Diaspora protest Nagamootoo at New York meetings

PM Moses Nagamootoo was escorted by several black Secret Service vehicles during his New York trip over the weekend
PM Moses Nagamootoo was escorted by several black Secret Service vehicles during his New York trip over the weekend

Scores of disgruntled New York-based Guyanese braved the inclement weather to stage several protests outside of various events hosted by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo who travelled to North America to launch Guyana’s 50 Independence Anniversary celebrations.

The three-day activity attracted very poor attendances and were marred by loud protest actions.

During the Saturday afternoon meeting, a group from the Diaspora community staged a picketing exercise outside of the Richie Rich Catering Hall, Richmond Hill, Queens, where Prime Minister Nagamootoo addressed a small gathering of members from the business sector.

Some of the concerns raised were in relation to the closure of the Wales Sugar Estate, the ethnic cleansing being practised by the government, the out-of-controlled crime situation, the suicide epidemic, the recently botched military operation, among others.

The protestors waved placards which were boldly marked with phrases such as “Sellout Moses a disgrace to Guyanese Patriots”; “Moses cease your assault on democracy”.

Others practically pleaded with the Guyanese leader to step up and represent the interest of the people: “Moses stop the closing of the Wales Sugar Estate” and “Moses stop the ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination in Guyana”.

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