Diane McTurk deserves greater recognition

Dear Editor,

Diane McTurk is a marvellous woman; she truly deserves a higher award for her persistence, her commitment to, and love for, Guyana and for the protection of loveable otters. There has never been a woman who so profoundly dedicated her time, resources and energies towards animal preservation and care like Diane. What a humble and unpretentious woman she is. 

I am glad that she has received the Tourism Pioneer Award, but I do think that this woman deserves much more recognition than that. When she first started her eco-lodge and began to care for orphaned and injured otters, she did so out of her inherent love and compassion, asking for nothing in return. 

She never thought about the challenges she would encounter, or about where the finances would come from, or whether people would be grateful for what she did. She did what her heart led her to do; and the fact that she did that out of sheer love and compassion says as much about her personality as it does about her work. 

Usually, when people are bestowed with an award, something about their personality must sparkle, as does their work for which they are being honoured.  I think that Diane McTurk has such a personality. I also think that the state, if it has not yet so done, should consider financing her work to help protect and care for otters. As she is doing so lovingly for the otters, so, too, should the state do for her and the creatures.

Yours sincerely,

Leila Parsaram

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