“Determination and commitment are essential for a successful business” – SBDF

We quite often dream of the day we can be truly independent and be our own boss, but in order for us to become successful business owners there are some key traits one must possess. Among those traits are determination, commitment and hard word.
Apart from possessing the three fundamental traits, there must be a complete understanding of the field of business one decides to enter and that is where the Small Business Development Finance Trust Inc (SBDF) comes in. The SBDF was formed with the main objective of providing financial and technical assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises.
Managing Director of the SBDF, Manjula Brijmohan, says the focus is mainly on those enterprises which are unable to meet the complicated demands of commercial banks so that they can develop their businesses and transform into sustainable entities.
“We work as small financiers to the people who need it urgently and badly to take a step to move up. Always finance remains the key factor and that is where we are trying to fill in the gap and deal with these people and provide the financial assistance, guidance and technical assistance so that they should be able to graduate to a level where they can go to bigger institutions,” she said. 

Since its establishment in 2002, the Small Business Development Finance has been able to assist over six hundred small and micro businesses develop their true potential and remain sustainable to this date. The intention of the SBDF is to have the business owners transition from micro and small status to medium-scale or even larger. Additionally, the Trust also provides training for their clients in every field of managing and developing their businesses and according to Brijmohan, education is paramount towards development since it positions one to make more informed choices.
“When a person says I want to do a business, particularly a young person, then that person must read a lot and acquire the knowledge they need to have about the field that interests them. Then they have to acquire the right technology and get a practical feel of the field they want to enter in because what they may think they will encounter will not be exactly what they encounter when they go out into the field,” Brijmohan advises.
“Confidence, determination and knowledge is essential for running a successful business. Also’ one condition for a successful business is not to just make money but aim to be successful and the money will just be a byproduct,” she added.
With over 30 years in the financial field, Brijmohan says an inquisitive mind is great for business.
The facilities provided by SBDF can be classified into two categories; financial and business services. The financial aspect includes retail micro lending, where all retail loan products are specifically designed to facilitate urban enterprises, rural small farmers and non-farm enterprises to take advantages of the economic opportunities and try to participate in the environment of increasing competitiveness. Additionally, the development finance aspect is generally geared to suit the requirements of the small and medium size enterprise. These innovative products are based upon the principle that successful businesses need more than money.
Meanwhile, the SBDF also provides professional guidance and personalised investment advice to entrepreneurs in making sound decisions. They also provide technical training in the areas of business management, record-keeping, entrepreneurial skills, and marketing and product packaging.
SBDF tries to cover a wide spectrum of economic activities, which are suitable in the Guyanese environment, but limited to the following areas of (a) agriculture – small farming , fishing, poultry, dairy and ornamented fish for export; agro-processing activities; manufacturing and processing; (b) craft – traditional and modern among other things.
Brijmohan advises everyone to capitalise and realise their full potential while being cognisant of the fundamental principles for managing a successful enterprise. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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