Desperation steppin in fuh de Mook

Old people seh a man who sinkin in water and can’t swim gon clutch on to straw to save he life. In a case like that is both he and de straw gon go down, no matter how many straw he hold on to. That is whah de old people call desperation, and desperation does mek people do just about any ting. Is like when a man losin he woman, he does want to beat she and bun down she house. Some a dem does even want to commit suicide.

That is how people does behave in real life when dem goin down. Not de kinda goin down whah dem boys, who seh dem is boys but dem is not boys, although dem does dress like boys, does do wid one another. That is a different kinda goin down. If yuh tink is lie, ask de headitor how he get dem big space in he front teeth and why Mook Lall keep he as a soup drinker and a puppet so long. Is de goin down whah does keep all a dem boys goin so long.

One a dem boys who does send out de Mook photos seh de Mook gettin desperate. Desperate people does do desperate tings. Desperation mek de Mook put a free centre page advertisement fuh people who he don’t like but who he tryin to be like. More people now buyin pipe at Ruimveldt. Mook Lall and he headitor want pipe too. But dem lookin fuh pipe wid water and that kind don’t come from factory.

De Mook gettin so desperate that he walkin wid he head turn back lookin fuh see if de police comin. De Mook went and buy suitcase, but not to go anywhere. He can’t land foot pun a certain country. De suitcase is fuh hide money whah suppose to pay he rates and taxes and pay shareholders who he robbin fuh donkey years.

Plus backtrack people who de Mook rob and cause to get send back callin like mad to get back dem money. Is more desperation steppin in fuh de Mook.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! When a man desperate is one ting. But when he desperate and stupiddy like de Mook, yuh know yuh got plenty problem.


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