Designers showcase Mash costumes

Several designers on Monday evening showcased some of the costumes they hope to display at next year’s Mashramani Costume and Float Parade. 

At a ceremony held at the Umana Yana, Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony congratulated the new designers on their initiative, creativity and hard work for Mash 2011, as the designs were impressive.

He stated that persons can now purchase beautiful Mashramani costumes at affordable prices, as most of the materials used by the designers were locally manufactured. 

Anthony urged business persons to invest in the designers’ products for next year’s Mashramani celebrations, as they would receive quality and original items that would make them stand out. The minister emphasised that Guyanese have skills and talents, and display their imagination through creative designs. He added that the designers need to be given a chance to express those skills.

Designer Christopher Goodridge, who won the Best Designer prize for Mash 2008 and 2009, displayed an innovative concept by using plyboard. Goodridge said that the material is both eco-friendly and biodegradable, and he is excited to be participating in Mash 2011.

Designers Paula Evans, Jennifer Gibson and Winston Alexander, the members of a group called “Peace, Love and Harmony”, showcased costumes which were made from recyclable materials, including rice bags, foam, and plastic bottles. They also displayed costumes that represented minerals found in the country, including gold and diamonds.

Mashramani 2011 will be held under the theme: “Showcasing our culture; sustaining our pride”. The winning theme was submitted by Marcia Washington, a Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara resident, who received a cash reward of G$50,000 for her effort.


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