Deodat Sharma confirmed as Auditor General

President Donald Ramotar congratulates Auditor General Deodat Sharma on his appointment to the substantive position.

Deodat Tudeshwar Persaud Sharma was on Wednesday sworn in to the substantive position of Auditor General of Guyana by President Donald Ramotar at the Office of the President. Mr. Sharma had been acting in that position for the past seven years.
Extending congratulations to the newly appointed Auditor General, President Ramotar stated that, “He has been acting in this position for a while and I have no doubt, he had already demonstrated that he’s been doing his work without fear or favour. I expect that he will continue in the same vein and hopefully that with his oversight, our Public Accounts will improve and will get better.”
Sharma expressed appreciation for the confidence placed in the Audit Office by Government, “not for myself alone but the staff in the audit office, because without their help I could not have brought the accounts up to date.”
Sharma pointed out that accounts were on time for the past three years and the work of the Audit Office speaks for itself.  He said that the report is an important management tool, used by Ministers of the Government.
Regarding concerns raised by the Opposition about his qualifications for the position, Sharma noted that, “there is nothing in the Constitution or the Audit Office of specific qualifications (for the post)”.  He however, listed his qualifications which include a Diploma and a Degree in Accountancy as well as a Canadian Fellowship programme which led to a higher qualification. He also pointed out other supporting courses he had taken over the years.
“I am the only one who has produced a value for money audit, two of them.”
Responding to criticisms on policy by Accountant Christopher Ram and others, Sharma indicated that he was averse to engaging in too much criticism and reiterated that the work of the Audit Office speaks for itself.
“The Public Accounts Committee itself has examined up to 2009 and presently we are examining 2010 (accounts). If there is any (issue on) credibility it would have come out. I don’t get into arguments over those. Check the 2003 report. It has hardly any emphasis on physical misconnections compared to mine.”
The Alliance for Change had recently called for a substantive appointment to the position while questioning Sharma’s qualifications for the post.

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