Den Amstel Ebenezer Congregational Church celebrates 170th anniversary

President Donald Ramotar and Opposition Leader David Granger with Reverend Valeska Austin, the first female pastor of the Ebenezer Congregational Church at Den Amstel during the church’s 170th anniversary celebration
President Donald Ramotar and Opposition Leader David
Granger with Reverend Valeska Austin, the first female
pastor of the Ebenezer Congregational Church at Den
Amstel during the church’s 170th anniversary celebration

President Donald Ramotar and Opposition Leader David Granger joined in fellowship with members of the Den Amstel Ebenezer Congregational Church as it commemorated its 170th anniversary with an evening service.

The celebration began with a parade march from the old church site at Blankenburg to the present location. A vehicle with speaker boxes playing gospel music led the contingent of celebrants.

The church is replete with history dating back to the 19th century when it was first established, and like several other heritage sites in Guyana, the Ebenezer Congregational Church survived the era of slavery, emancipation and independence.

Fond memories

The atmosphere brought back fond memories for President Ramotar who was christened in the congregational church during his childhood years in Karia Karia, a tranquil village along the Essequibo River.

As it marked another important anniversary, President Ramotar is looking to the church for advocacy on some of society’s ongoing challenges. He made reference to domestic abuse and poverty which he drew a close connection to drugs, alcohol and criminal activities to which the nation’s youth are most susceptible.

“We will try to work to ensure that our state functions better to deliver justice and security  to our people, but as I have said, we cannot do it alone and I am happy to partner with the church, with other religious organisations, with civil society, with political parties… I have to work every day on the assumption that all of us want to have a better life for our people,” President Ramotar said.

He also sees the role of the church in helping to fulfill his long dream of writing the history of Karia Karia where there is a wealth of background knowledge about congregationalism.

A scripture reading from Matthew Chapter 13 ended President Ramotar’s remarks, leaving behind an inspirational message for the congregation. It reads:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.”

Among those present were junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill; the first female pastor of the Ebenezer Congregational Church, Reverend Valeska Austin; and Den Amstel Neighbourhood Democratic Council Chairman George Nedd. Guyana, U.S. to examine ways of enhancing security collaboration

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