Democratic gains were challenged in 2017 – PPP

The Parliamentary Opposition has said the dawn of a New Year offers an opportune moment for reflection on successes and failures, an assessment of strengths and weaknesses, the charting of relevant courses for personal advancement, and the move forward for the collective prosperity as a nation.

In reflecting on 2017, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has said Guyanese faced many challenges as the country’s democratic gains were challenged and the areas where other gains were made saw setbacks. However, the resoluteness of “our people proved unwavering, demonstrating that the spirit of the Guyanese people will not be broken in times of adversity. This is commendable of our people,” the PPP has said in its New Year’s message to the nation.
Although 2018 may present its own challenges, the party has expressed hope that the New Year would also bring success and joy to all Guyanese. “It is our party’s wish that all Guyanese will remain steadfast in hope, and will assiduously endeavour to work for the betterment of our nation and fellow citizens. May we all be imbued with a sense of renewal, activism and enthusiasm as we embark on a New Year.”
“As we herald the beginning of a New Year, the People’s Progressive Party takes this opportunity to extend to Guyanese at home and in the Diaspora, and their extended families, best wishes for a peaceful, prosperous and productive 2018. The PPP would also like to take this opportunity to commend and recognise the growing support of our Guyanese brothers and sisters both locally and overseas. This strengthens us and fortifies our resolve, so that together we can confront whatever challenges the New Year can bring,” the party said in its New Year’s message.
“May our humanitarian spirit remain strong as we keep in thoughts and prayers those who have been placed at a disadvantage,” the PPP added.
“Once again, best wishes for a joyous New Year!” the PPP concluded.

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