Dem boys holdin plenty meetings

Now that dem boys now got all de rejects like Lie Man Nagga Man, Rum Jhaat, Sus Penders Rum and Fool Sarran, among others, de group get a lil big now. So dem boys does hold plenty meetings to talk bout what next dem gon complain.When de whole group turn up, dem does meet at de Peg Ass Hot Hell. When de group not so big, dem does meet right pun de couch in Saffon Street.
Well, de couch really mek only fuh Baddam and de Mook, but it could hold a few more if yuh squeeze up tight. After all, is all dem boys tight – wid each other, that is. And since not all of dem boys is boys, dem don’t really mind squeezing up close to one another.
De last time dem meet at the Peg Ass Hot Hell, Robber Bad Al couldn’t tek it no more. He look through de window and see de Marriott goin up fast.
Is right away he realise he shoulda bring in Chinese to do de repair wuk on he Hot Hell and not dem Trinis.
De way tings goin, dem Chinese gon finish de Marriott construction before dem Trinis finish de Hot Hell renovation. And de renovation start before de construction.
De Robber had seh de Guyanese workers wukkin too slow, so he ain’t bother to consider dem fuh de renovation contract.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! One of de maintenance workers in de Peg Ass yard seh that even when de renovation done in de next five years, it gon still be a Hot Hell.

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