Delighted that contempt of court is now a criminal offence

Dear Editor,

As a Guyanese who always complies with the laws of this country, and as one who honours the laws of the land in every respect, especially edicts of the court, such as court orders, also known as injunctions, I find it most heartening that His Excellency, President Bharrat Jagdeo, has assented to the bill which now criminalizes contempt of court. 

Too many people have been making a mockery of injunctions, thinking these are jokes; and despite having an order of the court issued against them, they continue in their merry ways, disturbing people with intrusive noises coupled with baseless vulgarities. Others have just refused to respect court orders.  

I have written and talked much on television about this.  Because the laws governing contempt of court were weak, many treated them as hogwash.  

Sadly, but factually, some lawyers actually instructed their clients to disobey court orders.  I wonder if they will now still advise their clients to disobey court orders.  Some deceitful lawyers even advise their clients wrongly just to make money, knowing some cases have no merit and no basis in law.  

I had a court order issued against the owner of an entity for noise nuisance on 16th May, 2009. Notwithstanding, the proprietor continued with dozens of shows, publicly declaring that the shows will go on, even though he had been charged by the police and served with a contempt of court summon. When the case was called, the learned magistrate said that it is the district magistrate who has to give permission for public shows, and not just any magistrate.  Anyway, the individual was found guilty and fined $14,500 — a small fine, but one that was extremely symbolic for Guyanese who require peace and quiet.  

On 6th November, another show was held at a popular ground. It was definitely the loudest, vulgarest, and most immoral show ever in history.  Residents had to endure this disgraceful show until 2am. 

Moral and decent citizens of Guyana, this is what Guyanese have to bear.  The Guyanese artistes were loud, yes, but never so vulgar.  It is always the imported, vulgar Trinidadians and their dirty chutney that cause disturbances.  The sad news is that our decent people are getting to like it also, and are allowing outsiders to insult their wives and daughters.  I congratulate the government of Guyana and the president for working hard to make contempt of court a criminal affair.  It is now time to rein in the vulgar and lawless.  


Roshan Khan

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