Deal with Marriott investor in closing stages – Brassington

AHI Chairman Winston Brassington
AHI Chairman
Winston Brassington
An artist’s impression of the Marriott Hotel (Guyana)
An artist’s impression of the Marriott Hotel (Guyana)

Atlantic Hotel Inc (AHI) Chairman Winston Brassington has dismissed claims that a British Virgin Islands investor intends to buy the Marriott Hotel building for US$ 10 million. In a statement on Saturday, Brassington said the claims made in another local newspaper are absolutely untrue.
Brassington said he told the publication that the AHI is in the closing stages of a deal with a foreign investor and that the name of this investor will be announced when there is financial closure.
Public disclosures
He said, in general, private investors are usually reluctant to make premature public disclosures about their business, and in this case, there is greater apprehension to do so given the hostile and unwelcoming political environment created by the opposition parties.
“Nevertheless, the private investor is aware, and acknowledges, that given its intended relationship with the government of Guyana, it will be required to make a public announcement, which it is prepared to do at the appropriate time,” Brassington explained.
Construction of the Marriott Hotel and Entertainment Complex remains a priority for the government of Guyana.
While construction of the outer shell of the building is complete, design works on the interior continue, requiring great care and review in order to ensure that all aspects of design and construction achieve the Marriott Hotel standards for functionality and operations, Brassington said.

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