De truth give some people “belly-wuk”

Judging from some people action during de media briefing de Prezie had de other day, it look like dem only want fuh hear things that dem alone want fuh hear. Old people does seh that people don’t like fuh hear de truth. Fuh some, de truth does mek dem grimace and it does hurt. That was how some, especially Gordon, was behaving when de Prezie was presenting de answers to dem question. It look clearly like Gordon and de rest of he pals was in plenty pain because dem didn’t want fuh hear that dem opposition bosses couldn’t come up with any evidence of corruption during de debates.
Dem didn’t want fuh hear that de “Hands Up” party pull out from de debates but still meking accusations! People know that de debates was de place fuh de party to be fuh confront de officials dem accusing. As de Prezie put it, de “Hands Up” party, by staying away from de debate show that dem don’t believe de accusations dem self meking!
When Gordon hear that reply he expression change quickly and it suggest that he was desperate fuh a “call of nature” that wasn’t number one! One of he pals ask about de composition of de broadcast authority and trying fuh suggest that de members not capable. De Prezie defend de capability of de members and pointed out that one of de “Hands Up” party own is also pun de body! De man is a big lecturer and even a Dean at de UG place and was always seen as somebody with authority on de matter! After de answer, de question asker grimace like he was more desperate than Gordon! People want fuh know if he sehin that he own “Hands Up” party pal ain’t gat de capacity as a lecturer and fuh be a member pun de authority! Fuh sure when de lecturer man in question hear that, he wouldn’t like de “low” he media pal putting he!
Clearly from de reaction of Gordon and de others with similar allegiance, it look like dem wanted fuh chose who should be pun de authority and don’t want de Prezie fuh continue de developmental projects which was in train when he tek over! Adam want fuh know when de Prezie gon distance he self from it. De Prezie put he to he place and ask why must he distance he self from things that would mek de country better! It further confirm that Gordon, Adam and de “mukracker” and de others don’t want development fuh tek place since it gon mek dem bosses in de “Hands Up” and “key” party look bad! People seh that is nothing new since that is what dem doing all de time. De media briefing was just another opportunity fuh dem fuh “try a thing” Dem fail and didn’t get fuh hear what dem want. Some sehin that de truth look like it give Gordon and Adam “belly- wuk” meking it easier fuh dem fuh “produce” dem regular stories! Now yuh know where it does come from! Ting-a-ling-a-ling. Friend tell friend mattie tell mattie!.

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