De story of Rum Jhaat and Rue Well

Ever since de KFC leader Rum Jhaat blow a bank employee, then blow Baddamn and Mook Lall, it look as though he get a lil quiet now. De blows dem was too much fuh he mouth, so he usin it less these last few days.
But it look like Rum Jhaat resort to he hands now, so he writin long letters in de Stabber rag and de Kocheur mud paper. One of dem was a long love-hate letter to one of he old-time buddy body blower Rue Well.
No body ain’t sure what really gone wrong between de two blowers, but one does blow plenty hot air in Parliament and de other does blow a lotta long letters in both de rag and de mud papers, writin dem from a cake shop where he does always bum free tings fuh eat and drink.
But somewhere along de way they end up blowin one another and dem both vex up wid each other. Rue Well vex wid de KFC fuh abstainin from a vote and Rum Jhaat vex wid Rue Well fuh writin a long letter against de KFC.
De plan now is fuh both Rum Jhaat and Rue Well to come together and blow out all de hot air at one another in one place. Freddie Kissmansoon already volunteer to come as de referee, since he now gettin in to boxin.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! And look out fuh Rue Well blowin more letters. Rue Well seh since Rum Jhaat abstain from de votin, he must now do more blowin to mek up!

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