De Queen not coming but she sending a baton

De G-Owe-A announce that de Queen baton comin to Guyana, and as soon as Dew Man and Pill Grim mek de announcement, some people start to jump fuh joy, although it still got another two weeks to go before de baton reach de s*ity of Green and garbage.

On de other hand, some people start to holler and bawl. Then dem start to cry. At this early stage, no body ain’t sure if dem who happy, happy fuh de Queen or fuh de baton, or both, or happy that de Queen sendin a baton.

When Harding hear that all de way in Jamaica, he apply fuh asylum right away. He tell No Gel Hugly that de pullice bringin another baton fuh he all de way from England. And Harding remember he mudder tell he that tings from England strong and does last long.

That alone mek Harding never wanna come back to he home country and to de s*ity of Green and garbage, especially knowing that he got to land at Timehri, and that is whey de Queen baton gon land, and that is wheh de pullice baton station deh.

It too soon to know if dem who hollerin, bawlin and cryin sad because is a baton comin and not de Queen she self. A lotta people still wanna see de Queen. But it got some a dem who ain’t kay bout de Queen. All dem want is a baton. Dem boys done start to line up at de hairport, and dem ain’t mind if is a midnight flight. De Mook and he headitor goin to meet de baton in Tee-T.

Wid Green in de s*ity, includin Green Case, Green Bridge and Green Jah, some body seh de Queen mighta plan to mek de trip too, because de whole a de Royal Family like every ting to do wid de environment. But is when de Queen realise that all dem Greens in de s*ity is garbage, that is when she change she mind.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! Look out fuh all dem who gon tek night-off when de baton reach!


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