De “popers” now playing “solitaire!”

It gat some people who love to be noticed. Yuh ever notice how some does try fuh “pope” people photograph by “invading” de space and standing behind? Even some TV programmes does show “popers” in de background. It gat others who does “pope” from de front and stay there even though de thing ain’t concern dem. Everybody remember when some people from de “key” party do just that and tek over de sugar workers protest in de recent past just fuh get notice. De party claim that dem was in “solidarity” with de workers.

But people ain’t see de “key” party marching pun May Day when is de real day fuh show “solidarity!” Dem absent like lil boys who does “skulk” from school! People sehin de party ain’t only “skulk” from de parade, but leff de workers in “solitary!” In other words, de workers pun dem own! People sehin that another reason why de “key” party cut dem presence pun workers day, is because dem ain’t gat no union to call dem own! De Coconut Tree party, now de “Hands Up” party, gat Lincoln Union as dem own.

De sugar workers realise that de “key” party proper use dem in “championing” dem cause and then turn around and oppose de budget subvention fuh help de industry! But apparently, de “key” party now frighten fuh be notice with de workers since dem false support get expose! That is why Khemraj, Cathy, Gerhard, and de others stay home and play “solitaire” pun dem laptop.

While dem enjoying that, dem cut de programme fuh ordinary people fuh get one so that dem can learn fuh play de game too! De self interest in noticeable! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… Mattie tell mattie!

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