De opposition runnin outta every ting

There was a time when Guyana used to run outta every ting. That was of course under de PEE NC, when every ting was going under, just like de party and de people dem in the party. That was a time de country used to run outta every ting.
De people used to run outta food. De pipes used to run outta water. De shops used to run outta goods. De gas stations used to run outta gas. De country used to run outta money.
But de money used to run outta de treasury and run into de ministers’ pockets. De money run so far it reach Pressy Burnin Ham bank account all de way in de cold cold Switzerland.
Even de people dem used to run outta de country. Is only a couple a years now dem start runnin back. But de PEE NC still want fuh run dem back out.
Now de party runnin outta names to choose fuh de next election. From PEE NC to PEE NC/R (R fuh Run outta every ting). Then to FLAPNU (F fuh Flop up every ting).
Now that de country making progress, de opposition run outta tings fuh seh. Every time dem want fuh seh some ting, dem call up de Kocheur News because dem know de Mook gon publish everything. After all, is whah else yuh could expect from a lifetime Mook?
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! And look fuh see how many articles de Kocheur News gon write wid de same ting every day whah each opposition member seh, but each of them get a separate article. Talk about same sh** different day!

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