De Olympic team might be hard fuh pick!

It gat some men who ain’t “deh down here”. De other day a man allegedly beat and chop he child mother just because she ask fuh child support. Ow, man, yuh father de child, so father de responsibility! Man like he must face de full brunt of de law! It gat some children who father abandon de home and dem leffing de mothers to fend. That ain’t right and all men must “own up” to dem responsibilities even if de relations with de lady done.

Ow, de thing some men does do fuh mek women fuss. But, it gat a man who always fussing about what some other men do.

De “mukracker” owner now fussing about a certain plane man who trying fuh mek it “EZ- ier” and cheaper fuh people travelling between de U. S. and Guyana. De “mukracker” owner want fuh know who own de business and suh. He not only fussing, but he fast! What that gat fuh do with he?

Everybody glad that de “red-plane” people meking it really cheap fuh travel around de region. Why he ain’t fuss about that? People glad fuh good service that inexpensive! Why he don’t fuss about de alleged financial situation at a city store with Guyana in it name? He meking all kinds a allegations about de “Bs” simply because dem doing things fuh mek life easy fuh people. That is why he vex with BJ. De foreign people recognise BJ effort again and mek he “roving ambassador”. This paper giving de “mukracker” competition, so de owner vex with that “B”.

People seh as long good things happening, he gon always fuss. De sport minister trying fuh do good by fixing de cricket situation and de “Olympic” man fussing. He fuss up blaming de minister at a Olympic dinner while trying fuh put de Prezie pun de spot. De minister, who wasn’t on de programme, demand fuh speak and was “frank” in he reply putting de man in he place.

People want fuh know why “Jumanji” trying fuh mek de cricket people look good. If that is de case then a lot of people gon be “running”, meking it hard fuh pick de Olympic team fuh de upcoming games in Brazil! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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