De old Rams love de weekends together

De old Rams love de weekends together. Every weekend de two old Rams does deh pun a roll. This is not de opposition role that dem does play. That is another role by itself. When people deh pun a roll dem is like when dem deh pun a high. Dem does feel good. Dem does tink that dem can do a lotta tings. Dem does want to talk plenty too. And dem does tink dem on top of de world all by demselves.
That is de kinda roll de two old Rams does deh pun. Dem does even roll one another. Dem does deh pun such a high that some times de Sus Penders does fall off. And Ram Bow does shoot wid he arrow.
Dat is when dem does feel good and want to do a lotta tings. Dem does be on top of de whole world, including one another. Dat is when dem does end up talkin plenty.
And that is when de mud paper does get more news. Every ting dem seh does mek de news. Never mind Hanand seh that de old Rams is rejects from de Stabber, who can’t mek it in de news in de Stabber anymore. Any and every ting does go in the mud paper.
De other day, even when a dog chase a mud reporter was big news. But then again Suru and Duru does only deal wid mud. One got de mud in he head and de other got de mud in he hands fuh mud slingin.
Last weekend, when de old Rams was on another roll, Ram Bow jump up and seh de Amaila Falls hydro project is a gigantic rip off. Well judgin from de way Ram Bow talkin, de only ting that gigantic is how much he talkin! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! And de only ting that rip is he mouth. So look out fuh de old Rams next weekend again.

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