De Mook losin control

Mook Lall been goin through some tough times of lately. A lotta tings happenin and de Mook not too happy. De Mook like to be in control and tings getting outta control fuh he. But at least he still controllin Baddamn.
In fact, is a long time now de Mook losing control – ever since de Beacon paper start up in 2008, de Mook wasn’t too happy. Since then de Mook always attackin de paper and he even attackin de owners. He feel like he losin control.
But a neigbour seh is not just de Beacon paper got de Mook vex. He seh de Mook born wid a vex face. De nurse didn’t have to beat he fuh cry to know if he was alive or dead. De nurse seh dem had to beat he fuh stop cryin.
On de other hand, when Baddam born the nurse cry. But is a different story with de Freddie de Man Kisser. When de Man Kisser born, de whole hospital cry.
De other day WikiLeaks let de cat outta de bag and every body know bout de Mook backtracking ways. To add more problems, a couple a months ago de deportees dem arrive back in Guyana and as soon as dem leave de airport dem turn up at Saffon Street fuh collect dem money back. So is more de Mook feel like he losin control.
Wid all that trouble, de Mook couldn’t sleep. So he decide fuh apply fuh television and radio licence. De Mook lie so much in de Kocheur News that he now wanted to lie pun TV and radio. But is de Mook backtrackin ways cause he not to get de TV and radio licence.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! Now de Mook realise he can never get back to he controllin ways and he vex like hell wid all who get TV and radio licence.

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