De Mook got Baddam turnin

De Kocheur News like fuh talk bout how dem is de best newspaper in de country. But old people seh that self praise is no recommendation. So nobody believe that Kocheur is the best newspaper just because dem seh so.
Is almost every day yuh read de Kocheur News dem apologisin fuh something. Or somebody cussin dem out fuh writing sheer wrong news. And yet Baddam got the guts to tell people that he is de best editor-in-chief in town.
But a reporter at de Kocheur News seh is just that he got de best relationship with de backtrack owner Mook Lall. When de Mook seh walk, Baddam run. When de Mook seh jump, Baddam get a ladder and climb pun de roof. When de Mook seh turn round…, well, de reporter seh dem chase he away right at that time.
Imagine a mook tellin yuh what to do every day of yuh life! Well, Baddam accustom to that anyway. Is since the days at de Chronicle he had a set of mooks tellin he what to do. Then at Slime News and No Nation he had another set of mooks tellin he what to do.
Well, now he is wid King Mook – the greatest of all Mooks. But a friend who see when de Bell Crier was writing this column seh “King” might not be the right word to use.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! And when next yuh see Baddam, look fuh see if he gon turn away or turn round…!

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