It got some people who don’t like to face up to anyting hard in life. Dem does can’t tek hard life. And dem does can’t handle de pressure when de pressure near fuh buss pipe. Dem like to run away.
Dem does can’t face de music. Some does turn dem back, look de other way and then walk away. Some does come back, but plenty of dem don’t even tink bout comin back. Dem gone fuh good.
Plenty man does mek pickney wid woman and then get away and don’t pay dem child support.
De law gon ketch up wid dem soon. One man de other day get argument wid he woman, burn down de house, and then he tek he bicycle and ride away just like that, like if he goin fuh a drink at de rum shop. Next day de same woman defend he and he gone back wid de woman. Look out fuh when he gon jump pun he bicycle again.
Is de same kinda of pressure mek Sithe Global pull out and go away. Then just bout de same time R Kelly pull out and didn’t come. Well, he learn he lesson a long time now since he didn’t pull out in time wid de lil pickney and de video man ketch he.
No Gel Hugly like to stay in too. He didn’t want to pull out. So he pull out too late and he get ketch wet handed. Even he mouth was dribblin still, like how Rum Jhaat does dribble, and it wasn’t pun Cat Hugly.
Well, de mayor-fuh-life Green Ham and he deputy Green Case runnin from de ** ity fuh dem life. Guyana is de only country in de world that got two Green people runnin de capital. But nutten in de capital green and not a Green in sight! Ting-a-ling-a ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! And even Green Jah green shirt fadin!
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