De girls top while a man is an international “copy maribunta!”

De BC would like fuh congratulate all de children who did well at de CAPE and CXC exams. It show that hard wuh does pay off. Once again, de ladies come out on top by being de best in de two levels! De boys still trying fuh catch up like how de Jamaican press trying fuh catch up with Portia fuh see if she gon grant a holiday fuh when Usain and de rest of de medalist return there.
Grenada give a half holiday fuh it first gold medal. Some asking how that does wuk! Half? It gat fuh be a whole day since “holiday” end with “day” and it mean “no wuk” fuh a whole day! Yuh can’t wuk fuh a “whole” half day and “sport” fuh a “whole” half day! If was we, it woulda been holidays; three full days, starting from de Friday! Holiday can be considered as one of we “resources!” Some sehin maybe we should “export” to we Caricom “sisters” Jamaica and Grenada!
Anyway, fuh sure de children who top de exams surely deserve a holiday. As a start, Priya can see if dem could be flown to de highest sheer-drop waterfall and de local resorts might want fuh offer a free package to dem. After all, it could help in “word-to- mouth” promotion! And that gon be free! Fuh mek it even better, dem should try and get Usain fuh come and holiday here. No need fuh promotion, de global media gon end up promoting de country fuh free! That gon need a holiday though, since everybody gon want see Usain! That aside, de Essequibo girl who top de country show that education is no longer seen as centralise in de city. It follow when de boy from Linden top de Grade Six exams earlier this year! It prove that de ‘country’ can do better than de city! Good rivalry fuh encourage. Better yet if gold, silver and bronze medals is awarded every year! With “medal ceremonies” across de land, it gon be educational too since people gon gat fuh learn de National Anthem!
On de down side, this year results show some decline in overall regional pass rate fuh English and Maths. Talk to a bunch of students and some gon tell yuh that English hard while almost all gon seh that Maths hard like iron! As a matter of fact, some students frighten Maths more than how de “mukracker” frighten fuh print de truth and like how Freddie frighten fuh write a academic paper! Not ever writing one is what get he in trouble with de UG. De GPS man from CNN who Freddie revered and who he always quoting, get into trouble with regards to writing too. De difference is that de man copy somebody else’s writing! He get catch and he once respected column is now suspended! People asking how come a man like that could be a “copy maribunta!” But then again, is one of Freddie “hero” like Mark is! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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