De “flexing” did mek some use Iodex!

Everybody eagerly waiting fuh see what gon “play out” now that de court is ask fuh pronounce pun de budget cuts. According to de headlines, is “constitutional war”. Some seh it sound like “war break” that plenty use to play when dem was small. Then, children use to run around meking plenty noise causing some neighbours fuh get headache. But this in no “child’s play” and de affected workers also getting headache! De headache is because de opposition want fuh “flex” de lil “muscle” it gat now. Everybody know that de opposition use to literally flex dem “muscles” when dem was in office causing plenty who oppose dem fuh use Iodex!
De opposition claim dem “flexing” against government because of alleged extravagance, yet, dem mentor, de not wuking mayor, Hammie, gat eight security details which is reportedly authorised by a former council official and a former top cop! According to “whispers”, de cop is apparently one of dem own who vote fuh de budget cuts! People want fuh know why accuse de government and spite innocent people but let Hammie off even though some council workers ain’t get dem May month salary! As pontificating Anil lead government effort fuh prevent de one-seat dictatorship opposition from teking advantage of de people, de opposition seh de government wasting time.
Apparently, when dem tek action is alright but when government do, is time wasting! People sehin that de opposition ain’t want de government fuh oppose de budget cuts. That is why “mouth-tar” Khemraj meking all kinda pronouncement fuh distract. He not discreet in he public obsession with Brazzy. Same thing fuh de “mukracker” with de rest of de “Bs” Some men seh dem would never show such “affection” in public! That aside, people want fuh know when Khemraj and de “mukracker” gon speak out against Hammie and what about happening in de council. People seh even if dem do, it gon be just like lil children playing “war break” – no effect and no headache tablet needed fuh de players! Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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