De fire and a All Fools Corporation!

Now that April Fool’s Day officially gone, some believe de whole month should be designated given de way some does behave. Some even calling fuh de establishment of a All Fools Corporation which, fuh short, will be AFC! People not commenting openly about any “similarities” with another organisation with de same three letters.

However, dem can’t help noticing how de already “established” one, trying fuh fool people. Nobody ain’t forget de biggest prank when it seh it independent and not part of de Palm Tree set up! In addition, it looking fuh every lil opportunity fuh protest.

As in sugar, dem trying now fuh “champion” people “cause” in de Mining town. De people benefiting from cheap electricity all de years because de cost is heavily subsidised. De vast majority want fuh know why dem must pay regular electricity rates and de Mining town pay a special one. Now that de rates gon finally be regularise, de established AFC sehin is “vengfulness”! How could streamlining things be vengeful? A Foolish Comment? No doubt! More justification for de All Fools Corporation!

That aside, fire destroy four stores All Fools Day. That is no laffing matter. De owners and staff worrying. De fire boss seh dem couldn’t enter de stores to fight de fire because of de grill work and shutters. But is steady people-organise elections protest which does lead to looting, that force owners to grill up to protect dem property! Every election is de same story. Now de “established” AFC only pushing protest! Similarities? One store owner blame de fire department fuh not having de tools fuh bruk and cut grills. People tend to agree especially when de fire department know that all de stores grill up and de reason why! Who meking fools out of who? Membership to de All Fools Corporation might be overwhelming! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… Mattie tell mattie!

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