De fake picture better than de real one

De UG people seh that Freddie get fired because he can’t perform. Everybody know what does happen when a man can’t perform. Somebody else does perform fuh he! Freddie friends in de Opposition cabal supporting he though. This is de same set that does point fingers and accuse others of keeping some who can’t perform pun dem job. Now dem turn around and supporting non-performance.

Dem gat one set of “law” fuh dem friends and other set fuh who dem don’t like. People seh that seeing de cabal gat a set of non-performers, it not surprising that dem supporting Freddie. Maybe is time fuh ask fuh a qualified Opposition? Some others not performing too. People feel that dem teking dem own sweet time fuh do dem wuk.

Plenty time pass since de bank girl get kill and confusion surround de testing of samples fuh de case.

Apparently de man who was to tek it overseas leff without it and is only after he done enjoy de beach and de blue water that he realise de real reason fuh going to de “land of de flying fish”. People want fuh know how come somebody going abroad fuh do one thing; dem reach, but forget de thing! In de meantime, de family in agony waiting fuh justice. Hope dem ain’t get “just-ice” like de barber in de local James Bond case! That now freeze up. Some other people also looking fuh justice. A man claim he pay another man fuh get visa fuh he. De man seh that de “visa giver” charge plenty money and keep asking fuh mo.

Remember, old people seh, “when yuh ears hard, yuh gon feel”. De embassy people seh if yuh want visa come to dem. De man who want fly way nah listen. Suh now he lose he hard earn money and hoping de court can help he get it back. If yuh smart fuh get plenty money then yuh should be smart fuh know who can get real visa fuh yuh! Is plenty falseness around. False teeth, false hair, false nails and even false ID cards. A man get charge fuh printing it. Apparently a lady use one and she get ketch. People wondering if she get ketch because de photo pun de false card look better than those pun de real one from G-come! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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