De depressing press trying fuh press down!

It gat some people who would stop at nothing fuh pull de country down despite de country moving up at a rapid pace. It is just like long ago how a lil boy or two does try fuh press down de tyre tube when dem other friends trying fuh blow it up at de same time so dem could knack a swim in de trench with it. As some blow, de others press. That was fun fuh de children.
Well is same children mentality some gat when dem trying fuh “press” down all de good things that happen over de last two decades. But is not only press dem trying fuh “press” things down, dem denying too! A particular person who leading de “pressing” down, keep hollering that de press getting press down by de government. But he ain’t telling people that is de same government that allow he fuh gat a press!
He also not telling people that he could print whatever he want in he press and he pals can seh anything dem want pun de plenty new TV channels that was licensed by de same government over de last 20 years! Instead, he and all he “pressing-down” pals only meking noise that de press ain’t free while dem own existence contradicting dem! People sehin that is dishonesty to de highest level! De same people sehin de history over de last 20 years gon show it was de only time that de press was actually free even though all de “pressing down” set doing is putting out depressing news! In doing that dem trying fuh mek de place look depressing like demselves!
But people ain’t gat blindfold over dem eyes. Dem seeing everything though; de good things and de depressing set of de press. Dem know that eventually de lil boys who trying fuh hold down de tyre tube does get pitch off when it blow up! But lil boys being lil boys, dem does do it again. People sehin dem now understand why de man and de rest of depressing press doing what dem doing – lil boys mentality! Ting-a-ling-a ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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