De boys “switch”; some big men did too!

Congratulations to de hundreds of children that did really well at this year Grade Six Assessment exams. Dem did so well that de top ten had far more than ten; thirty-two to be precise! That mean fuh every one spot in de top ten it gat a ratio of 1:3.2! Fuh some, it might sound funny to say, “thirty-two in de top ten”. But that is a good thing and maybe next year fifty could be in de top ten! What even more comforting fuh de males, is fuh see boys actually topping de top ten! Not too long ago de girls use to really outshine de boys and top and dominate de top ten. Some even commented pun it openly. De boys took up de challenge and now de rest is history. De boys “switch it up!” While de boys come out on top, more than likely de girls overall would have done better.
So there may be more “switching” to do in this regard. But de fact that de boys challenging, it mean that de competitiveness spirit is alive which can result in better results in de future. Congratulations too to de Teachers and parents who wuk with de children. If it had a “top ten” fuh teachers, it would be good fuh know how many would be in it. Is de same way some asking fuh a rating of restaurants here like what does happen in other countries. Dem countries does gat a list, even pun de internet, telling yuh which is de “top ten” or “top thirty-two” and so, on meking it easy fuh know where to eat and get good service. People seh if that is introduce here, dem mightn’t find ten fuh call it a “top ten!” Dem seh it gon be difficult given de “challenges” some consumers does experience.
Dem also seh de only way fuh get ten in de actually “top ten” is fuh some of de eating places fuh do some “switching up”, like switching de attitude of staff, switching de service to a good one and even switching de quality of food to better! It might sound harsh, but plenty people can relate and would love to see such “switching” fuh de good of comfort! That aside, people want fuh know if de popular “switching up ad” gon continue seeing that a certain man who was inside, “switch” from de company! A man from a TV station also “switch”. People want fuh know if de high-profile “switching” of these two “big” men, had fuh do with de Grade six results after dem see how de “lil” boys did de “switch”. People does seh that sometimes “big men” does want fuh do what “lil” boys” does do! Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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