De big vacuum cleaner is not enough!

During this period of de month of October, plenty reminiscing about what was going on 20 years ago. By now, then, de results was announcing and de few who didn’t want change was running around meking problems fuh de police and business people. Everybody still remember de picture showing one very happy man running away with a set of toilet tissue! He had a big smile pun he face because he know change was happening. He couldn’t wait fuh try it out and do away with newspaper or chicken-feed bag he was forced fuh use over de years! While everybody was rightfully condemning he fuh teking de toilet tissue, plenty coulda relate to he newfound comfort!
Another was seen running away with a lil foam mattress. He seh he was tired of sleeping pun springs and seeing he is no magician, de pain was too plenty. But it wasn’t dem alone running away with things. Was plenty chaos in de city as a few realise that de Coconut Tree get pull down. Even Freddie did seh how he was held “hostage” in a building in de city by de few and he use plenty fancy words fuh describe dem unruly behaviour. He call dem all kinda names fuh endangering he. But just like how de change happen two decades ago, Freddie change too. Now, not only he change de profession of lecturing by not producing any paper, but he and de few is now like “kith and kin”! Now, he surround he self with dem and vice versa and now running with a different kinda “toilet tissue” from what de man mention was smiling away with.
People seh it different because it does wuk in “reverse”. Dem seh this paper already contaminated before it get use fuh de purpose of what de man use to use it for before he run away with de package he had! People sehin that with all de positive changes dem see over de two decades, Freddie and de paper that he and de few proud of trying fuh mek de place smell like skunk and de thing it does let off. People hoping that with de big vacuum cleaner Shaik gat over at de water place, it could rid de place of de contamination cause by Freddie and he paper. When it start up, instead like how de man was running with de paper, de paper itself gon be running! De only problem is that de one vacuum cleaner ain’t gon be enough, especially when yuh add in de mess Hammie gat! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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