David and Khemraj overdose on “souriee”!

De opposition behaving like “bling bling” after de budget presentation. “Souriee” is de other name fuh “bling bling”. It gat certain characteristics that does mek yuh mouth long and sour up. David look like he had a overdose when he was commenting on de budget. As usual, de opposition does “play” de same “record” every budget day, which only gat one tune; “budget disappointing”.

People want fuh know which budget de opposition was listening to, if at all dem was listening because at de same time West Indies, surprisingly, was trashing Australia! Was it Congress Place budget dem was listening to? How could these people still be consider sane and seh de budget disappointing? It is de largest budget ever in de country history! Spending in every area increase so that ongoing projects can continue and new ones start. Once again, de country recorded high growth which was sustained over de years and more than four per cent is projected fuh this year. Isn’t that a great sign of development? If thing wasn’t happening, de budget wouldn’t increase! De income tax threshold increase meking some 20,000 people more that don’t have to pay tax! No new taxes was reveal in de budget. So what is all de “souriee” reaction about?

If de opposition was presenting de same budget, then David and Khemraj would have been singing songs of praise of themselves. Lyrics like “this is visionary budget. It is all about people and development for de country. This is leadership and Guyanese should be proud they have visionary leaders like us”!

Somebody should give dem a “hunch” and wake dem up. What dem dreaming to say already happen every time this administration present a budget. Instead of overeating “souriee” David and Khemraj should drink some honey and clear dem throat and sing de same song everybody else singing – de same one dem singing in dem dream presentation. As people “pound” de song it gon eventually “taste” good to David and Khemraj. After all, “souriee” does taste good as “achaar” after pounding and grinding it and adding spices and other good stuff. David dem eating de wrong thing. Everybody know what does come out when yuh eat de wrong thing! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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