Damage control

Passing the buck
Chandradass Persaud is part of the AFC Berbice leadership. Like Nagamootoo, he’s a latecomer to the bar. Big men sitting with kids in “Lil ABC”. He’s the fella who sued some lady for slapping him at a cultural event. No gentleman this! Typical hick behaviour. Anyhow, Chandradass has joined the frenetic attempts of one faction of the AFC to distance themselves from the Agricola violence, which rained down on thousands of poor and helpless schoolchildren during their “protests”. Which faction? Not the one headed by Nigel Hughes, who’s cavorting with Aubrey Norton and Sharma Solomon in the US, raising funds for the next protest. Chandradass’ faction is desperately trying to salvage whatever shred of credibility Ramjattan and Nagamootoo may have retained in Berbice.
So Chandradass dumps the entire blame for Agricola on David Granger. Ramjattan, still the nominal leader of AFC, had said that ‘mostly Indians’ were robbed and abused in the Agricola “protests”. Calling these Indians “sheep”, Chandradass dubs Granger as the “shepherd” and declaims: “The shepherd cannot say he was asleep and the wolves devoured some of the sheep.” Well, well, well! The AFC’s always boasting it’s a ‘multiracial’ party and receives support from “all groups”. We can safely say, based on the poll results, that AFC received support from Agricola. Not much but certainly some.
How can Chandradass then say with such certainty that some of the “wolves” weren’t AFC wolves?? From pictures in the media we know that AFC member and booster Mark Benschop, for one, was there! Addressing Granger directly, Chandradass, unctuously declared: “It is unfair Sir, for people to destroy property and burn roads, which are all for the benefit of the nation, because they have an issue with the police or the Minister of Home Affairs.” But just hold it for a minute!! Didn’t the AFC also “have an issue with the Minister of Home Affairs”? Wasn’t it AFC’s Chairman and Vice Chairman Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo who gave the government a 48hour ultimatum to fire Rohee or else??? Wasn’t it Hughes who declared to a meeting (which APNU and Granger refused to attend) the morning after Agricola: “I’m not calling for peace. All I want is equal rights and justice. I don’t care how we get it but we must get it.” This, Chandradass, is AFC declaring, “By any means necessary!!” -right after the wolves of Agricola had devoured the sheep.
Wolves in wolves clothing
Talking about wolves, Moses “shut-yuh-soan-so-mouth” Nagamootoo said that Minister of Agriculture Leslie Ramsammy, “lacks the moral authority to speak on corruption.” Yes, you heard that right. This from a man who betrayed the party of Cheddi Jagan because no one would believe he alone heard Cheddi promise him the leadership!! The man who received millions from NICIL to take care of the paperwork to relocate persons for the construction of the Berbice Bridge– then turns around and betrays his lawyer- client privilege and fabricates stories against NICIL. But what is the ‘corruption’ he accuses Ramsammy of? That Ramsammy’s signature was purportedly on the document authorising the importation of ‘spy equipment” during the 2002 onslaught against the government. Pathetic!!
Malaria drugs
The Truth will come out! The tempest in the teapot the Stabber News and the Muckraker made on the anti-malarial drugs tender is proving to be a tsunami that will wash away them–and the opposition politicians they fund. Not gambling with lives, the government had specifically requested bids for the original, trade-marked drug. IPA now confessed they submitted prices for some other thing!

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