Dakara creek murder victim was raped and strangled

Dead: Savatri Gangadeen-Parma
Dead: Savatri Gangadeen-Parma

A post-mortem conducted on the body of Savatri Gangadeen-Parma, who was found aback Dakara Creek, Timehri, on Sunday, proved that she died from strangulation and a broken neck.

The post-mortem was performed by pathologist, Dr Nehaul Singh at the Georgetown Public Hospital on Monday and was witnessed by the dead woman’s sister, Sharon Gangadeen, who confirmed that under her sister’s nails had pieces of skin that were probably scraped off from her attacker.

Sharon said her sister met a horrible death, pointing out that after her attacker strangled her, he admitted to breaking her neck.

The suspect, whose name was given as “Carlos”, reportedly told investigators that after he ordered the woman out of the car, he raped her, then bound her hands and feet and made her walk to a location about two miles from where her car was left abandoned.

Thick vegetation

After reaching an area among the thick vegetation, he raped her again, but was met with some resistance. It was at this point Carlos ripped out his boot lace and strangled the mother of two. Not satisfied, he twisted her neck and left her nude body in a clump of bushes.

With scratches on his face and body, he reportedly told police that he never meant to hurt the woman, but after she put up a fight, he resorted to violence.

The woman reportedly pleaded to the man for mercy, claiming that her son was in the car, but he did not show any remorse until he was arrested.

Guyana Times International was told that after the woman’s screams were heard from the bushes, members of the community policing group and her relatives were willing to find her location, but were told by a CID rank attached to the Timehri Police Station to “stand down”, suggesting that the woman might have been with her lover.

The said rank was present at the murder scene and was bombarded by the woman’s relatives for discontinuing the search. Relatives  were furious with the decision, contending that if he did not pass the order, the woman would have been alive.

The nude body of the mother of two was on Sunday morning found aback Dakara Creek, Timehri, East Bank Demerara, in a heavily forested area. Gangadeen-Parma was discovered about 06:00h by her husband and other relatives.

The suspect, a loader/operator attached to a well known trucking service on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, was arrested on Sunday afternoon with one of the woman’s rings in his pants pocket.

It was reported that on Saturday evening, Gangadeen-Parma contacted her husband while he was in St Cuthbert’s Mission, informing him that she was going to drop off two passengers at a “loam pit” in Timehri and was taking her younger son as company.

Conflicting reports

After some time elapsed and there was no word from his wife, Kissoon Parma called her and she gave him conflicting reports, claiming at one time that she was coming, and another time that she was at the airport. She was reportedly forced by the suspect to give those reports.

After some time passed, he called her again and was told the same thing, so, he decided to drive to the location she told him she was heading.

As he approached the area, he saw his wife’s car and his son sleeping in the back seat, but there was no sign of the woman. As he looked around, he found his wife’s clothing and thought that something was amiss; hence, he telephoned the CPG, relating his concerns.

Gangadeen was found lying face down with her footwear and other belongings found along the track leading to where her body was discovered.


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