Cummingsburg Accord: APNU enjoying ‘sweet benefits’, but AFC left in shambles – Commentators


AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo and APNU Chairman David Granger share a light moment after signing the Cummingsburg Accord on February 14, 2015
AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo and APNU Chairman David Granger share a light moment after signing the Cummingsburg Accord on February 14, 2015

One year ago, the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) joined forces in unwavering matrimony through the signing of the historic Cummingsburg Accord (Valentine’s Day Accord) with unyielding dedication to change the name of politics in Guyana, with the country’s first ever six-party coalition Government.

However, critics believe that the Administration has fallen short on one too many of its promises and have already forecasted nothing but a bleak future, particularly for the AFC-arm of the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led coalition.

With the honeymooning season over, prominent political commentators and players had lots to say as they reflected on the coalition’s first year together as partners in politics against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration.

Economist Ramon Gaskin reminisced that it was only a year ago that the two parties, eager to gain Executive power, teamed up to defeat the longstanding PPP/C Government. “Without them coming together, the APNU could not have won the elections alone because the PPP/C is still a bigger party than all of them,” he noted.

Political Commentator, Ramon Gaskin
Political Commentator,
Ramon Gaskin

But Gaskin highlighted that while the APNU was reaping all the benefits from this sweet victory, the AFC was left in the shambles. “Everyone can see that the AFC lost some grounds in the immediate run-up to the General and Regional Elections in Regions Five and Six… the AFC continues to lose ground among its supporters. They can’t make it on their own now. They would not survive,” Gaskin predicted.

Gaskin expressed that it appears the AFC has been shafted by the PNC-led Government; however, for reasons unknown, they would not complain. “They could have gotten more but they seem happy. Nagamootoo, Hughes, Patterson and Ramjattan…,” he said.

Gaskin explained that while the Cummingsburg Accord promised a 40:60 split between the two parties, the AFC continues to be left behind. He highlighted, for example, that State boards are made up predominantly of PNC members.

Moreover, commenting on the coalition Government’s performance together thus far, Gaskin rated it as “reasonable”.

He also expressed concerns over the influx of ex-military personnel into high-ranking positions within Government.

Former Government Minister, Dr Henry Jeffrey, also believes the AFC will be completely wiped out if they ever embark upon entering the political arena as a single entity again.

He believes both sides are well aware of the circumstances and therefore, the AFC will continue to do anything to stay in power while the APNU will remain in control.

Political Commentator, Henry Jeffrey
Political Commentator,
Henry Jeffrey

“The coalition has placed much emphasis on staying in Government other than political relationships among themselves… They are set upon staying in Government, so the AFC will bend with the winds to just stay in Government, and the larger party will continue to rule,” Dr Jeffrey presumed.

He explained that one of the detrimental elements between the parties is the fact that there is no political framework in place to determine policies within the coalition.

Also expressing his views on the Government’s effectiveness thus far, the former Minister said he is rather disappointed.

Using the Wales Estate closure debacle as an example, he posited that the Government is only making matters worse for themselves.

At best, Dr Jeffrey would rate their performance as “mediocre”, noting that it appears the Government’s flagship programme is mainly cleaning up Georgetown.

Political Opponent Vishnu Bandhu of the United Republican Party also anticipated doom for the ‘newlyweds’.

Bandhu too shared the view that the AFC component is being undermined and bullied and against that backdrop, he believes there will soon be a rift between the parties as there previously was with the PNC and The United Force (TUF).

“The AFC is definitely being used. I think there will be a repeat of history like when The United Force coalesced with the PNC and a few months after, the PNC kicked them out,” Bandhu projected.

He added that it appears Minister of State Joseph Harmon has more executive power than the Prime Minister, and concluded that the coalition really has no need for Nagamootoo other than to have him as a “rubber stamp”.

“They just want to show the Indian people ‘oh look we have an Indian person here’,” Bandhu expressed.

Sharing his views on the coalition’s performance so far, the URP Leader said he is particularly discontented with the manner in which the Government is treating the rice farmers and sugar workers.

He also expressed concern over what he deemed as a “heavy racial discrimination” brewing within the Government quarters.

Guyana Times International made efforts to contact senior members of the coalition to comment on their experience working together; however all attempts were futile.

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