
Satiricus was still smiling at the thought of his Warriors’ first victory. What a sight it was!! Every seat in the Stadium filled – but suddenly emptied, as their occupants spontaneously jumped to their feet, arms in the air, and screaming in unison!! How sweet it was!!
As he hurried over to the Back Street Bar, Satiricus knew he’d been taught that winning wasn’t everything. And it was how you played the game.
“But damn!! Winning is better than losing!!” he said aloud emphatically as he reached the table where the fellas were already seated.
“Ah wha’ yuh win, Sato?” asked Bungi as he pushed a beer towards Satiricus. “Latto?”
“No! I wish!!” said Satiricus as he took a long pull of his beer. “I’m talking about our Warriors’ win Thursday night!!”
“Yeah! Da bin good!” agreed Cappo. “Me hope dem win tonite.”
“Of course they’ll win!” said Hari. “I put my black tongue on them!!”
“With that kid Hetmyer on his streak, we don’t need that black tongue!” joked Satiricus. “Maybe you can put it on me for this week’s lotto!”
“Ta’king ‘bout luck,” said Bungi, “Me cyaan believe dem people run out ah beer!”
“Budday! Yuh see dem fella sid-dong nex’ to abee drink beer?” asked Cappo. “Dem mek abee look like lil bai!!”
“Well today, we’re going to the mound,” said Hari. “I hear they have unlimited beer there!”
“For free?” asked Satiricus hopefully.
“Nutten na free in life, Sato,” advised Cappo. “’Cept de free ball when dem bowl no ball!!”
“Well, me know how me ca mek some free money,” said Bungi. “Yuh waan bet de Warriah dem win again tonite?”
“You know we don’t bet against our own team,” said Hari. “It’s bad luck!”
“Here you go again with the ‘luck’ business!” complained Satiricus. “Our boys don’t need luck; they have us backing them from the stands!!”
“Abee a de 12 maan!” chuckled Cappo.
“Let’s drink to us!” said Hari, raising his beer bottle.

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