Covetousness is a bad ting

It got some people in life who never satisfy wid whah dem have. Dem always want whah other people got. Dem always want to be like other people. Dem always want to become whah other people become. And dem does even get vex when other people gettin ahead of dem.

It can be a good ting when people want to follow in de footsteps of good people in life. Old people does always tell young people that dem must strive to be like some body good in life. Long ago people used to call that person a idol.

It got plenty people in Guyana who got idols right hey in Guyana, but dem shame fuh seh so. When people want whah other people got and want to be like other people because dem spiteful, that is some ting called covetousness, and covetousness is a bad ting.

Somehow de Almighty one who people does pray to does have a way of blessin de good people like dem even more, which does mek de covetous people even more spiteful and jealous. That is a sign that no matter whah dem do, dem just can’t become like other people or achieve whah dem achieve.

When that happen, de covetous people does start a cuss out from leff to right and back to front. That is when dem does reveal how covetous dem really is. And de people who deh behind dem in de same boat. Dem kinda boat gotta hole in de middle and it sinkin slow.

One man want to be a prezzie, but he can’t mek it, and he can’t tek it that he can’t mek it. This is de same man who cussin out all de prezzies. But although he tryin to follow in dem footsteps, he not fit to tek off dem shoes, much less polish dem.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!  Certain people gon live dem life wantin some ting whah some body got or wantin to be like somebody. Old people got one name fuh people like dem…a Mook!


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