Couple charged for trafficking cannabis

A couple were refused bail on Monday when they appeared before the acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry for trafficking cannabis.

Roderick Robertson and Melissa Beverly, both of Diamond Squatting Area, East Bank Demerara, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to the charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.

Robertson was also charged with trafficking narcotics.

Robertson pleaded not guilty to the charge, which stated that on February 11 at Diamond Public Road, he trafficked in 32 grams of cannabis by selling same to Detective Lance Corporal Edoo.

Prosecutor Lionel Harvey said on the day in question about 14: 00h, as a result of information received, an undercover policeman went to Diamond Public Road, where he met with Robertson who sold him a quantity of cannabis for Gy$ 3500. The officer then revealed his identity, recovered the money, then arrested the man. The defendant was taken to CID headquarters, where the cannabis was weighed after which he was charged.

Meanwhile, both defendants then pleaded not guilty to the charge, which stated that on the same day at Diamond Squatting Area, they were in possession of 36 grams of cannabis for trafficking, which was found by police in the kitchen area when they searched the home. Beverly was arrested and subsequently charged.

The couple were unrepresented.

Beverly told the court that she is a very sick woman and does not use “weed” adding that “I can’t smell it and if I use it, I gon get more sick”. Robertson stated that he does not usually sell the drug, but the officer came and asked him to get the cannabis for him.

The magistrate refused both defendants bail and remanded them to prison.

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