Countdown to PPP’s 30th congress

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) National Congress Committee Chairman Clement Rohee said final arrangements are being made to host the party’s 30th congress. The congress, he said, will help shape the future of the party and allow members to critique the work of its leaders, in efforts to improve the party’s overall standing. Rohee noted that groups are meeting and fulfilling the constitutional criteria for the selection of delegates and observers.
According to him, members from various constituencies across the country will be allowed to send resolutions on localised or national issues. The groups, he noted, are also authorised to suggest amendments to the party’s constitution and programme. Rohee further stated that the National Congress Committee, as well as all sub- committees that were established, including the Local Congress Committee, has been meeting regularly.
Groups have also sent in several nominations for the leadership position, but thus far no names have been revealed. PPP Executive Secretary Zulfikar Mustapha said while he will be receiving the nominations, the credentials committee will process them to ensure that those nominated meet the requirements.
He added that the process by which the PPP holds its congress is one no other party has ever practised and emphasised that it is purely democratic.
The congress will be honouring all comrades who have died including Presidents Dr Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan.
Awards will also be presented to those who have served the party for more than 25 years. The party said it will also invite one of its founding members, Ashton Chase, to the congress.
The PPP congress will be held from August 2 to 4, at JC Chandisingh Secondary School, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice. The theme for the congress is: “Strengthen the Party, Build Unity; Advance Democracy”.

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