Costume designers’ trendy styles to get revellers in the Mash spirit

The Mashramani celebration is just around the corner, and designers are applying their finishing touches to the spectacular costumes, and it is ever more hectic for local designers Carlos ‘Lucky B’ Williams and Olympia Small-Sonaram. And lest we forget, Slingshot would be here, and he has once again turned to the well-known and evergreen designer Bernard Ramsey for his Mash band’s look. 

Carlos ‘Lucky B’ Williams

Carlos 'Lucky B' Williams

The former singer turned fashion designer, Carlos – Lucky B his stage name – has launched several design lines over the years. He has been singing for over fifteen years and was a finalist in the Carib Soca Monarch for more than five years. Performing not only in Guyana but regionally, Carlos, with his melodious voice produced three albums with many hit Chutney songs. However, in 2009, he announced his retirement from his music career. This was because of the mistreatment he faced as an artiste when it came to payments from promoters and also because they lacked respect.

Determined not to give up on the entertainment scene though, Carlos ventured into something he was always involved in – designing.

“I was a tailor when I left school and was always designing although I didn’t showcase my designs formally,” he revealed to Sunday Magazine.

Receiving many rave reviews about his designs from friends and family, Carlos decided he would officially venture into designing. His first collection ‘Lucky B Gears’ was a hit. It was launched at a Sonia Noel fashion show at the Umana Yana in 2008.

Carlos was so encouraged and motivated he decided to design another spectacular line for Carifesta. He called it ‘Hope’; communicating through the designs that we should all have hope despite our perceptions of the country. Subsequently, he launched ‘Stop’ a clothing line dedicated to communicate the eradication of abuse. And his all time favourite design line: ‘She Stush’, which is his fifth collection since he emerged onto the local scene in 2008.

“The ‘She Stush’ collection is all about making a statement. If you want to look different then come to me,” the one-time Soca singer and experienced tailor said.

The collection, which, in addition to dresses and ladies swim-wear includes blazers and jackets for men, has already been highly praised. Lots of sassy colours, tulle netting, satin, lace and even feathers are used in this collection, bringing a new meaning to the word “different”.

He has taken another step forward and launched his first ever Mash costume design line ‘Riddim’. He stated that he came up with the name based on a song he wrote many years ago. The Mash line incorporates the national colours and colours of other Caribbean countries. It has 30 pieces of costumes and are very affordable, Carlos noted. It comes complete with headdress, hand and foot accessories for both males and females.

“My problem right now is [myself and] other artistes are not receiving the sponsorship we need. The response has been poor but I’m not giving up. I will continue to design because I know the victory and satisfaction I get when I design,” he insisted.

The tailor, who has been handling fabric for some 15 years, has been travelling to the United States learning and promoting his designs. “I will be going to the US for their Labour Day carnival camp and will be launching my ‘She Stush’ design line there,” he disclosed.

Describing his clothing lines as exciting and fun, persons interested in Carlos’ Mash costumes can view them at the Mash Secretariat.


Olympia Small-Sonaram

Digicel's Mash costume band by Small-Sonaram

Another designer, known for her sexy, lingerie designs, Olympia Small-Sonaram has been working assiduously on her line for telecommunication network provider Digicel despite being four months pregnant. In an interview with Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, Olympia said she had an enthusiasm for designing since she was a child.

“It’s in my blood because my mother is a seamstress and I learnt that aspect from her, but designing came naturally as a child. I would sketch and come up with various designs, and gave them to her so she would sew them. My very first pageant I took part was in primary school. I did my sketches and my mother sewed them. It was the first time I did something that was formally presented, and from that all, the other pageants I was part of I sketched my designs and won,” she said.

Her aim, she stated, is to bring out the sexiness of a woman in her designs, and she has very much accomplished this. Her seductive and sultry designs have won in many categories in various pageants. Being confident she can accomplish anything, Olympia ventured into costume designing, which she has been doing for Mash more than 3 years now.

This is not her first time designing for Digicel, the cell phone company. Last year her Digicel ‘Pollination’ design won in four categories. Impressed with the reviews it received, the company decided to give her the fashion baton once again.

Although she is very dedicated to her designing, Olympia indicated she will be taking a break from it all until her baby comes. “I’ll be taking a break from designing because of my pregnancy; the reason being the last time I was pregnant I was so overworked I suffered a miscarriage. So I’ll take a break, but after that I’m back on the scene,” she said.

Olympia added that one must have a passion for something before one can really enjoy it, and that has proven successful for her.

“I’m focused on the joys it brings to me and my clients. I have built my clientele both locally and internationally. I also receive much support from my family; my husband and two daughters. My team here at Digicel also has been instrumental in relieving some of the stress. I would like to especially thank Ryan DaSilva, Shondelle France, Robert France and Julius Payne; they have been really great in their support.” (Taken from Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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