Corentyne man kills self after chopping ex-wife, lover

A man is now dead after ingesting a poisonous substance moments after chopping his ex-wife and her boyfriend. The incident reportedly took place at about 20:30h on Sunday. Dead is Narine Permauloo, 60, of Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne, Berbice, who reportedly succumbed while receiving treatment at the New Amsterdam Hospital.

Manindra “Bruk Up” Kisondat showing his injuries
Manindra “Bruk Up” Kisondat showing his injuries

The man’s ex-wife, Nesha Permauloo, was discharged from the Port Mourant Hospital, while her boyfriend Manindra Kisondat, also called ‘Bruk up’, remains a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital. According to Permauloo, she and her boyfriend went to Bush Lot on Sunday to see her 18-year-old daughter. She explained that it was not the first time that she visited along with her boyfriend since moving out.
The woman related that when they arrived, her ex-husband offered them a beer to drink. She told the media that she was the first to be chopped and blacked out, and could not say what else transpired. She said her only recollection is waking up in a pool of blood. The woman further explained that her ex-husband had three previous wives, and like her, they were all subjected to abuse. “That’s why they left him. He use to beat me and that is why I left him. He use to threaten to kill me if I ever get anybody else,” she said.
Last December Nesha moved out from the Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne home where she and Narine lived for 17 years. She then moved in with Kisondat a few villages away. Police are continuing with their investigations.

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