Corentyne man accused of raping 3-yr-old to face Court soon

Senior Police officials on Wednesday confirmed that the 24-year-old Corentyne man who was on the run after allegedly raping his 3-year-old relative on Friday last was apprehended and is expected to be charged shortly.

A source told Guyana Times International that the man was apprehended by Police a short distance from his Corentyne, Berbice home.
It was reported that on the day in question, the child was left in the care of the suspect’s mother, as the child’s mother went to attend to her farm in the backlands.
On Friday last, the suspect’s mother left the child unattended and it was then that her son allegedly committed the act.
Based on reports, it was when the mother of the child collected her daughter after returning from the backlands, that the girl complained that the suspect interfered with her private parts.
As such, the mother contacted the Police and the three-year-old was medically examined, where it was confirmed that there was sexually penetration. The suspect remains in custody and is assisting with investigations.

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