Corbin seeking to distort history – PPP

In a press statement to the media, the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) accused Opposition Leader Robert Corbin of attempting to distort the country’s history.

Corbin and the PNCR recently expressed outrage at President Bharrat Jagdeo’s statements made at Babu John, Port Mourant on March 6, 2011, where he strongly criticized the election of retired Brigadier David Granger as the PNCR party’s presidential candidate.

The president has accused Granger of having a hand in the ballot box slayings of 1973, during the PNC regime. The PNCR has responded by saying that the statements could incite violence, and the party has even lodged a complaint with Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin of the Organisation of American States (OAS).

The PPP release said that the views being expressed by Corbin are an attempt to blame the victims for the crimes of the PNC, and are also an attempt to distort and rewrite history. The release also stated that Granger was at that time “one of the main proponents of the “paramountcy of the party” concept. “He himself virtually admitted this when he revealed that he was a member of the PNC at the time,” the release stated.

Granger has since denied any involvement in the military operation that resulted in the deaths of two men at No. 63 Village. The former army officer said that he was not in command of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) at the time, but was in command of a base (Atkinson Field) at Timehri.

The party also said that, in describing the events, Corbin also failed to say that the electoral demands of the Guyanese people were reasonable, in that they were simply asking for the votes cast at the elections to be counted at the places of poll.

The press release added that Corbin had quoted from the report of the ensuing Commission of Inquiry into the events, “but he (Corbin) should be reminded that the Commission was set up by the PNC regime with the express intention to cover up the crime and justify the murders.

“That Commission of Inquiry actually reflected the times we were living in, with the paramountcy of the party,” the release stated.

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