The People's National Congress leader, Robert Corbin
The People’s National Congress leader, Robert Corbin, has said in a New Year’s message that, like 2010, 2011 is a year when Guyanese must break the chains that have hindered the country’s progress towards genuine human, economic, and social development.
“It is a year that must be for Guyanese ‘The Year of Redemption’.” Despite being spared the wrath of natural disasters, Guyanese have, nevertheless, experienced the disaster of poor governance, he said.
Corbin said the government’s action towards the workers at RUSAL in Kwakwani was disrespectful, and the Labour Ministry has abandoned its legal and constitutional obligations to the dismissed bauxite workers.
He added that the issue of the illegal derecognition of their union has not been resolved, and the crime and security situation in the country is troubling.
He noted that, despite deadlines, the Freedom of Information legislation has not been passed, nor has the National Broadcast Authority come into existence, although it has been promised since 2003. Corbin also spoke of the still-to-be constituted Ethnic Relations and Integrity Commissions, as well as the absence of the Public Procurement Commission.
He added that the security situation needed to be addressed urgently, so the country could attract foreign and local investments, and he claimed that there was need for a government that will pursue educational, social and recreational programmes for the youth of Guyana, including the reintroduction of the Guyana National Service. “We need a government that will ensure that public sector workers are paid wages and salaries that enable them to enjoy a decent standard of living; a government that will take care of its senior citizens, managing the affairs of our country in the interest of all Guyanese, irrespective of race, religion or creed,” he said.