Corbin’s absence from launch of International Year for the African People ill-advised

Dear Editor,

Once again, the main opposition, PNC/R, has opted to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the national sentiment and the interest of a significant section of our society. PNC/R leader Robert Corbin’s decision to boycott the official launch of the International Year for People of African Descent speaks volumes of the party’s position on this very important observance.

Despite being unhappy with government’s handling of the planning and organizing of this event, Corbin and the PNC/R cabal should have been sufficiently mature and farsighted to understand the importance of this launch, and participate in the activities regardless of personal sentiment. Instead, the PNC/R has chosen to politicize this activity in an effort to gain much-needed political mileage. Sadly, their non-participation can only serve to be counterproductive, since all Guyanese will see that the PNC/R is still unable to rise above politics in the interest of the people.


Brian Azore

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