Cops reviewing footage of Sleep In Hotel robbery

Clifton Bacchus
Clifton Bacchus

Three armed bandits carried out a brazen robbery on Tuesday evening at the Sleep In Hotel located at 151 Church Street, Georgetown, carting off G$100,000 in cash.

The incident reportedly occurred around 19:30h. Surveillance footage showed that one of the men, who arrived at the hotel in a silver Toyota Allion motor car, entered and made inquiries at the front desk. He then took out his cellphone and sent a text, at which time, another man barged in and pointed a gun at the receptionist and another male employee, forcing the man to face the wall. The male employee was told that if he did not comply, he would be shot.

The first bandit then attacked the receptionist and ordered her to hand over the money, and she complied. After receiving the money, they then casually walked out the front entrance, entered the parked car, and made good their escape.

Speaking with this publication, the male employee relayed what occurred: “The first man came in and he asked how much for five nights at the hotel and the receptionist told him and then he was on his phone and he pressed the buzzer and pretended to go outside and as he was about to go through the door, the other man came in, pulled out a gun and said ‘don’t move’,” he said.

Clifton Bacchus, the owner of Sleep In, said that he had just left the hotel when he received a call detailing what had transpired.

He said he was told that two men entered the hotel, held up the receptionist and took the money before escaping.

Surveillance footage provided to this publication showed that the robbery took less than five minutes.

The matter was reported to the Police and an investigation has been launched. When this publication arrived on the scene, one hour after the incident transpired, the Police were yet to arrive. They subsequently arrived and took images off the surveillance footage.

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