Cop in fatal accident charged with DUI

Accused: Ryan Persaud

The Police Constable, who on Saturday last was involved in an accident that led to the death of a 23-year-old father of one, received bail on Thursday when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged only for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Ryan Persaud, 23, who was represented by Attorney-at-Law Eusi Anderson denied the allegation put to him by Magistrate Marissa Mittelholzer.
It is being alleged that Persaud drove a Guyana Police Force minibus with registration number PVV 4652 on September 1, 2018 at Nelson Mandela Avenue while being over the legal alcohol limit. He was reportedly 35 micrograms over the limit.

Dead: Akeem Anthony Bristol

The Officer was subsequently released on $25,000 bail and is expected to return to Court on October 11.
He was also ordered to have his passport lodged with the Court.
Even though not charged with dangerous driving, the officer is likely to be as the matter is still being investigated.
Akemo Anthony Bristol of Lot 338 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown was struck down on Mandela Avenue at about 23:40h allegedly by Persaud who was said to be speeding and who reportedly attempted to escape the scene following the incident.
This publication previously reported the Police Constable and Bristol were both proceeding along Mandela Avenue when the collision occurred.
The impact reportedly flung Bristol into a nearby gutter while his motorcycle ended up under the minibus.
Extracted from the gutter with visible injuries about his body, he was rushed to the GPHC, where he subsequently died.
He leaves to mourn his four-year-old son, parents and siblings.

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