Construction and preparation for 2011 Building Expo on schedule

With three days until the staging of this year’s International Building Exposition, all plans are on stream and on schedule, and the Guyana National Stadium, Providence has been transformed into a hive of activity.

One of the model homes being constructed at the National Stadium

The sounds of hammers, the smell of paint, the constant sound of electrical equipment abuzz at work, and the distant spouts of construction men best describe the scene at the site, as exhibitors and Housing Ministry officials work together to ensure they deliver an unforgettable experience come the opening of the expo, this Friday evening, July 29.

A member of the Building Expo team told Guyana Times International on Sunday that work was moving apace on the homes that were being constructed for showcasing at the exposition. “Everyone is hyped, and the construction personnel are displaying a good attitude and commitment towards helping exhibitors achieve success with their products, which will be on exhibit on Friday. We will be ready for the expo,” the official remarked.

Already, some 104 exhibitors are on board, and the ministry continues to receive more requests and demands for space at the building expo. “Every day, people are calling us and visiting the ministry to be part of the expo, but we are completely filled and had to politely refuse them. We are overwhelmed, but satisfied,” the Housing Ministry official admitted.

Come Wednesday and Thursday this week, the exhibitors will start to set up their tents and booths as they anticipate a large turnout. Another member of the Building Expo Committee, Andre Ally, said the ministry plans to set up a 200- foot replica of the Berbice River Bridge, which will be surrounded by several other illustrations of modern investments and developmental projects that are already underway.

He was confident that works would be completed on this aspect of the building expo in time for the opening. Ally was convinced that Guyanese would be impressed with the overall exposition this year, as it will be bigger and better than last year’s event. Several delegations have already begun to arrive for the expo.

The Ministry of Housing and Water disclosed that these delegations, from the region and elsewhere, are expected to have innovative products on display, and will seek to tap into the Guyanese markets.

The ministry also noted that there are likely to be more investments, as a direct result of the delegations’ participation in the expo again.

The International Building Exposition provides the perfect opportunity for young entrepreneurs, hardware businesses, building and construction companies, the commercial banks, the service providers, and the consumers to meet in an informal manner and interact with a view to building lasting business relationships.

Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali had stated during a previous interview that Building Expo brings together all the stakeholders in building and construction, from the block maker to the landscaper, and the vision is to make Building Expo the premier building and construction exposition in the Caribbean and Latin America. The expo opens on Friday and concludes on Sunday. It is likely to have a two-day extension once citizens are again pleased with the event this year.

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