Congratulations to West Indies

Congratulations to the West Indies cricket team for a magnificent win over England at Edgbaston. According to some renowned cricket analysts when all the circumstances were taken into considerations the success can be classified as the greatest-ever comeback victory.
As we jubiliate, we must remember that all was not well with the performance of our team. In England’s second innings, we dropped seven catches; We allowed their tail to wag like a ferocious English bulldog on the loose, while over the years our tail appears to start from deep in the neck. There were too many tactical blunders committed by our captain when England batted for the second time.
Cricket is a game of glorious uncertainty. One columnist opined that we must not read too much into the West Indies victory. It may or may not be a flash in the pan. The arrival of one swallow does not mean that it is summer. However, as we luxuriate in the victory and hopefully look towards Lords and onwards, we must remember that there is Hope.

Yours faithfully,
Clinton Conway
Assistant Commissioner of Police (Retired)

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