Congratulations to former president Jagdeo for being selected to serve on such high level panel

Dear Editor,
It gives me great pleasure to see former President Bharrat Jagdeo take his place on the world stage once again. His appointment as chair to a new Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Finance puts us on the map as leaders in the area of climate change. Congratulations are in order! There are growing problems of pollution and the effects of globalisation are many. These include, but are not limited to deforestation, potential food shortages, loss of flora and fauna and the increasing use of genetically modified foods.
This expert group is much needed as small countries such as ours can gain beneficial knowledge on best practices in order to save our environment in our efforts to become sustainable.
I trust that more Guyanese are now motivated to take their place on the world front as former President Jagdeo is currently doing.
Yours truly,
Anna Mingo

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