Concerns in the APNU/AFC camp

Dear Editor,

Reliable sources suggest that the political partners in the APNU/AFC coalition are becoming increasingly concerned that they are being sidelined by the major partner, the PNC, in the aftermath of the May 11 elections.

Since the elections and the swearing in of President David Grainger, there has been no meeting of the Executive of the APNU faction of the APNU/AFC coalition to discuss issues relative to the running of the government.

The APNU partners, it is understood, are even more concerned that the process of selection of Cabinet members and members of other positions in the new government has begun without them even being privy or part of the discussions surrounding these discussions and decisions.

The parties, sources say, are concerned that this is not a good sign for the future of the coalition if the PNC will continue to operate in this manner.


Michael Brown

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