Commonwealth Network on Environment and Climate Change launched

The Commonwealth Network on Environment and Climate Change was launched at Marlborough House, headquarters of the Commonwealth Secretariat, in London last week to provide further opportunity for dialogue with the Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Finance.
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, who was appointed by Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma to chair the new Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Finance, was in attendance with members of his team.

Some of the members of the Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Finance with former President Bharrat Jagdeo who heads the group. Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma is third from left
Some of the members of the Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Finance with former President Bharrat Jagdeo who heads the group. Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma is third from left

The high-level team of nine experts, which also includes Dr Kenrick Leslie, executive director of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, will identify solutions for unlocking resources to enable small, poor and climate-vulnerable Commonwealth countries to combat climate change.
Jagdeo, who has been recognised as a leading global advocate for climate change, will lead the charge to press the international community to help identify practical solutions for those countries most vulnerable to climate change.
In accepting the appointment, the former president had said: “Some of the most climate-vulnerable people in the world are in our Commonwealth. Millions of people are in danger – the magnitude of the challenges they face is overwhelming and they cannot face those challenges solely from their own resources. Over the years, many pledges of assistance have been made – but we have not seen enough action. I hope that the expert group can identify ways, both to identify financing at a scale that matches the problem, and also to enable Commonwealth heads of government to take specific actions to enable financing to be deployed in a way that rapidly gets to the people who need it.”
Commonwealth Secretary General Sharma says the group will present its report to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Colombo, Sri Lanka in November.

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