Commemorative coins launched

Deputy Bank of Guyana Governor Dr Gobind Ganga; Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh; Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; coin designers Courtney Douglas and Adrian Juman; Culture Minister Dr Frank Anthony; and junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill display the commemorative coins they were presented with on Friday at the launch
Deputy Bank of Guyana Governor Dr Gobind Ganga; Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh; Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; coin designers Courtney Douglas and Adrian Juman; Culture Minister Dr Frank Anthony; and junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill display the commemorative coins they were presented with on Friday at the launch

The Bank of Guyana, in collaboration with the Culture, Youth and Sport Ministry, last Friday launched two commemorative coins in honour of the 250th anniversary of the Berbice Slave Rebellion and the 175th anniversary of Indian Immigration to Guyana.

The ceremony took place at the Bank of Guyana with government ministers, bank stakeholders, and representatives of the African Cultural Development Association (ACDA) and the Indian Commemoration Trust (ICT), among other dignitaries, in attendance.

The 1763 Slave Revolt and the 1838 Indian Arrival are the names of the two commemorative coins.

Commenting on the significance of the coins, Culture Minister Dr Frank Anthony said the items serve as a good reminder for current and future generations of the importance of their past.

“The coin is a good reminder of the resistance that our ancestors put up, they didn’t just accept the conditions under which they laboured, but they also tried to resist the horrors of the slavery system that was imposed upon them,” he said.

He added that the arrival of the Indian indentured immigrants is also “significant, because we would have seen over the period of indentureship that close to 500,000 persons would have come and some re-migrated back to India, but again the conditions of indentureship, while we cannot equate it with slavery, was one which was equally horrendous”.

Dr Anthony highlighted that the anniversary of the Berbice Slave Rebellion was also recognised via a book launch, lecture series, and exhibitions at the National Museum, while the Indian immigration anniversary was observed with the construction of a stage at the Monument Gardens and the erection of a monument that is a replica of the Whitby.

He added that his ministry was pleased to have gained the assistance of the Bank of Guyana, which acted upon its request to produce the coins.

The culture minister said the bank has collaborated with the ministry to produce coins in 2007 for the establishment of the Guyana National Stadium and for Carifesta X in 2008.

Vision and strength

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, while echoing similar sentiments, said such historic events go to the core of making the country into what it is currently.

“Those who struggled and gave their lives and those who demonstrated vision and strength and fortitude, those who, in whichever way, contributed to the achievements in that we might take for granted today – their sacrifices must always be celebrated and saluted. To them, indeed, we owe immeasurable and eternal debts,” Dr Singh said.

He also stated that the coins were not only commissioned to mark significant events but to contribute to the documentation of the country’s history.


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